Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keeping Up With Posting!

I just noticed that I  hadn't posted anything here since the middle of January.  Does that show lack of discipline?  Now you see why I started this.  I am far away from where I would like to be in this regard.

Don't get me wrong.  I am disciplined in some things.  I don't use foul language, commit crimes, have been known to spend hours practicing the piano, for example, so I know I am capable of being disciplined.  My problem is I'm not disciplined in a lot of areas that I wish I were.

That is why I started this.  I want to hold myself accountable.  Actually, I hate doing that, but I read a quote one time that sticks with me.  It said, "He who is not afraid to face the music may one day lead the band."  I'm sorry that I don't know who to give the credit to. I did a google search and didn't find out who originally said this.  Anyway, there is a lot of truth in that quote.  So. . . . . . let's see where this leads.

I sort of feel like I am writing this to myself only.  If that is the case, that's okay with me. I  need it.  If you are out there, though, I would love to know it.  You don't have to tell me your name.  I'd just be interested to know if anyone else is on this journey with me.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011


I counted the money in the little bank, a grand total of $7.90!  Remember that it had some money in it when I started, but I'm still excited about it.  That is $7.90 I wouldn't have if I hadn't put it in that bank!  :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"The time is always right to do what is right." Martin Luther King Jr.

Looking for quotes that inspire me has done exactly that!  This quote jumped off the page at me.  Dr. King is totally correct.  We need to do what is right.

That started me thinking.  It is easy for me to do the right thing when I want to do it.  Not so great otherwise.  Thoughts just started pouring through my mind of places where I fail every day.  Spending too much, eating too much, and lots more.  This discipline thing is going to lead me to places I really need to go, but probably don't want to!

I could easily get overwhelmed by all of the changes I need to make so I'm going to just do another baby step and work on one.  Getting up earlier nagged my mind immediately. I have a tendency to stay up late and sleep in now that I am retired.  This is my first step.  I am going to make a change in that.  It will be healthier for me in many ways, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how to get this blog known.  I don't want to bug my friends.  For now I'm just going to trust in God that He will lead the people here that I need to interact with.  People that will help me along this journey.

If you are out there, are you putting your change in a bank, too?  So far so good for me on that baby step.  It felt good doing it the very first time.  Now I'm sad if I don't have any change at the end of my day.  :D  That bank already had some money in it, because for a long time I have put any change I find in the laundry in it.  I wish I would have started with the bank empty, but oh well.  It already feels heavy and that is exciting!

Good luck with becoming more disciplined.  I'm with you in spirit.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why this blog and why discipline?

Hello!  I am starting this blog first and foremost to try and generate some extra income. I'm telling you that right from the start so that you know.  These kind of blogs irritate some people so I want to be up front about it.  I won't be hounding this into you, I promise, but if you are planning on using any of the stores, etc., that I have ads for, I would appreciate your clicking on my ad.

That said, I firmly believe that most people in this world quietly spend their lives trying to do what is right.  I am a good person and try to live my life by my beliefs. I want to be clear that I am a Christian and when I mention God here, I mean God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  If you ever want to discuss with me exactly what that means, I would be delighted.

God has gifted me in a lot of ways, but discipline is not one of my strong points. Lately I have felt this tug in my heart to investigate ways of being more disciplined.  Not just financially, although I need that, too, but in other areas of my life.  My hope is that through this blog I will grow and learn.  Please leave constructive comments.  Open discussion leads to new ideas.  I am hoping to learn from you.

I am a lover of quotes.  I will be looking for quotes about discipline.  It seems that you can learn a lot from just a few words from someone with wisdom.  So here goes.  "A penny saved is a penny earned." by Benjamin Franklin.  I know this is an old quote. Heaven knows my mom said this to me over and over in my life.  So this is going to be my first step.  I am going to look for ways to save more.  I have a little bank that I am going to put my change in every night.  Somehow I think that as it gets heavier, I'll get more and more excited about saving.  A baby step to be sure, but who knows where it can lead?

I'm not planning on blogging every day, but I am following the Lord's leading.  When I get an inspiration I will blog it.  If I blog several times in one day, great.  Keep coming back to check out my progress and let me know you are there.  I am counting on you to help me.